Treasurer announces tax cut plan

In what is possibly his last act as treasurer before the parliament is officially dissolved, the treasurer, Peter Costello announced changes to individual tax rates over the next three years.

From 1 July 2008:

* the Low Income Tax Offset (LITO) will increase from $750 to $1,200, providing an effective tax free threshold of $14,000 (up from $11,000) to those taxpayers eligible for the full LITO;
* the 30 per cent threshold will increase from $30,001 to $34,001; and
* the 40 per cent threshold will increase to $80,001 and the 45 per cent threshold will increase to $180,001, as announced in the 2007-08 Budget.

From 1 July 2009:

* the LITO will increase to $1,350, providing an effective tax free threshold for low income earners of $15,000;
* the 30 per cent threshold will increase to $35,001;
* the second top marginal rate will be cut from 40 to 38 per cent; and
* the top marginal rate will be cut from 45 to 43 per cent;

From 1 July 2010:

* the LITO will increase to $1,500, providing an effective tax free threshold for low income earners of $16,000;
* the 30 per cent threshold will increase to $37,001;
* the second top marginal rate will be cut from 38 to 37 per cent; and
* the top marginal rate will be cut from 43 to 42 per cent.

He also annouced that the Government will provide an additional $446 million to the Australian Taxation Office over a four year period, starting from 1 July 2008.

For the full details see the treasurer’s press release.

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